Produced for the Fondation des Petits Coeurs Rieurs, an organization dedicated to the emotional well-being of children, this digital resource is aimed at promoting the emotional development of children in elementary school. It features edutainment content that takes a Rational-emotive approach to managing emotions. It helps children aged 6 to 9 learn to identify, communicate, and manage their feelings in a healthy manner and listen to others.
1st and 2nd grade students in Quebec schools
Fondation des petits cœurs rieurs
Diane Borgia, Lucie Navarre, Mflaval Films Inc., Clermont Concept
460 Sainte-Catherine West
Local 507 / Montreal / QC / H3B 1A7
tel: +1-514-278-9595 / fax: +1-514-278-9793